Webster Technique in Rochester MN

Dr. Ryley Layden and Dr. Katie Layden are Webster Technique Certified Chiropractors in Rochester MN
Dr. Ryley and Dr. Katie Layden are certified in the Webster Technique through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. This gentle technique provided at our Rochester MN chiropractic center helps ease a pregnant woman’s discomfort and can aid in proper positioning of the baby. Webster Technique can help babies to turn naturally in-utero. This can help avoid birth trauma associated with breech births and cesarean births.
Over 50% of pregnant women complain of lower back pain during pregnancy. This is primarily caused by the weight that must be balanced by an overworked spine and support system. How smooth and uncomplicated your delivery is has a lot to do with the state of your body as well. A body that is stressed, misaligned and worn out can result in complications during delivery – resulting in anything from a painful delivery to problems with positioning the baby correctly.
As significant spinal trauma can occur during the birth process, many parents elect to have their newborn’s spine checked right after birth. Mom’s comfort and health is of utmost importance during this delicate time, so RAK Chiropractic takes special care to come to you at home if desired or to the hospital or birth center if permitted.
The Following is an Excerpt from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association ICPA Website
“Chiropractic care benefits all aspects of your body’s ability to be healthy. This is accomplished by working with the nervous system–the communication system between your brain and body. Doctors of Chiropractic work to correct spinal, pelvic and cranial misalignments (subluxations). When misaligned, these structures create an imbalance in surrounding muscles and ligaments. Additionally, the resulting nerve system stress may affect the body’s ability to function optimally.
Sacral misalignment causes the tightening and torsion of specific pelvic muscles and ligaments. It is these tense muscles and ligaments and their constraining effect on the uterus, which prevents the baby from comfortably assuming the best possible position for birth. The Webster Technique is defined as a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that reduces interference to the nerve system and facilitates biomechanical balance in pelvic structures, muscles and ligaments. This has been shown to reduce the effects of intrauterine constraint, allowing the baby to get into the best possible position for birth.
Dr. Larry Webster, Founder of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association discovered this technique as a safe means to restore proper pelvic balance and function for pregnant mothers. In expectant mothers presenting breech, there has been a high reported success rate of the baby turning to the normal vertex position. This technique has been successfully used in women whose babies present transverse and posterior as well. It has also successfully used with twins. Any position of the baby other than ROA may indicate the presence of sacral subluxation and therefore intrauterine constraint. At no time should this technique be interpreted as an obstetric, “breech turning” technique. It is strongly recommended by the ICPA instructors of this technique that this specific analysis and adjustment of the sacrum be used throughout pregnancy, to detect imbalance and optimize pelvic biomechanics in preparation for safer, easier births. Because of the effect the chiropractic adjustment has on all body functions by reducing nerve system stress, pregnant mothers should have their spines checked regularly throughout pregnancy, optimizing health benefits for both the mother and baby.”
7:30am - 6:30pm
7:30am - 5:30pm
7:30am - 6:30pm
7:30am - 6:30pm
7:30am - 12:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
RAK Chiropractic
3411 22nd Ave NW
Rochester, MN 55901
Call: (507) 208-4305
Text: (833) 242-3586