Chiropractor in Rochester, MN

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It Is Important to Address the Underlying Cause for the Condition When Providing Chiropractic Care

Chiropractor in Rochester, MN: Focusing treatment only on the area of pain often fails to address a lot of issues and yields disappointing results. The unique, individualized specialized treatment protocols provided by Rochester Chiropractors, Dr. Ryley Layden and Dr. Katie Layden are very effective in treating and resolving these conditions. We are able to achieve this because we look at the body as a whole and correct the true, root cause.

RAK Chiropractic works with the spine to influence the NERVOUS SYSTEM, both directly and indirectly. All functions of the body are run by the nervous system. Every muscle, organ, tissue, and cell is controlled by nerve impulses traveling back and forth from the brain. In the field of chiropractic, the nervous system is controlled through adjustments of the spine. The spine houses and protects the spinal cord, through which nerve fibers pass from the brain to different parts of the body. The nerves leave the spinal cord through the boney segments in your back called VERTEBRAE.

How Chiropractic Care Works at RAK Chiropractic

When vertebrae, (through sporting events, car accidents, poor posture, slips and falls, along with the birthing process, not only for the mother but the child as well) become dysfunctional, the opening closes down on the nerve resulting in decreased nerve function, which is known as a SUBLUXATION. The decreased nerve function (subluxation) can be asymptomatic or can cause numerous conditions. The objective of chiropractic care is to reduce these subluxations and increase nerve flow. This removes the cause of pain and dysfunction, allowing the body to perform at its greatest potential!

Biomechanically, chiropractic joint manipulation or mobilization restores normal motion and alignment to the joints assisting in restoring proper mechanics, thus allowing the body to perform at its best through proper alignment.

Hering’s Law of the Order of Cure

Constantin Hering (1800 – 1880)
“All cure comes from within out, from the head down and in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared in the body.”

Chiropractic Care at RAK Chiropractic is Beneficial to Anyone!

Our chiropractic center in Rochester, MN works with patients of all ages, ranging from infants to teens to middle aged adults and senior citizens. Whether you are in need of a tune-up or have chronic pain you have been suffering from for years, Dr. Rylen Layden and Dr. Katie Layden will create a plan unique to you.

Book an Appointment with RAK Chiropractic! $30 Initial Consultation, Orthopedic, Neurological and Chiropractic Evaluation for New Patients.*Restrictions Apply

Book Your Appointment


$99 New Patient Special
Consultation, Evaluation, Adjustment *some restrictions may apply & subject to change (exempt for Medicare, Medicaid, and most insurances; any services in addition will be an additional charge

Office Location

3411 22nd Ave NW
Rochester, MN 55901
(507) 208-4305

Receiving Calls

Mon: 7:30am -6:30pm
Tues: 7:30am -5:30pm
Wed: 7:30am -6:30pm
Thur: 7:30am -6:30pm
Fri: 7:30am -12:00pm

Appointment Hours

Mon: 8:15-11:15 & 2:30-6:30
Tues: 8:15-11:15 & 2:30-5:00
Wed: 8:15-11:15 & 2:30-6:30
Thur: 8:15-11:15 & 2:30-6:30
Fri: 8:15-11:30
Sat: By Appointment
Sun: Closed

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(507) 208-4305